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Our StoryUpdated 8 months ago

Situated in Spartanburg, S.C., The WillowBrook Company delivers unique and inviting fragrances through the company’s original envelope sachets. Family-owned and operated, the company prides itself on decades of experience in creating exceptional fragrances that are formulated in-house by our fragrance experts. The sachets are truly a work of art not only from a fragrance standpoint but a décor standpoint as well. Each sachet features original artwork created by our in-house artists.


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We are the kind of people who look at a pile of dirt and think, "Could this smell like clean linen?" Instead of purchasing fragrance from a large company to test it out, we hired a team of professional perfumers to create customer fragrance oils for us. Doing things the easy way has never been our default.

Day by day, the moments when life just stunk (we're looking at your, kids, dog, show pile) spurred us on to perfect our portable, affordable scent packets. The team of perfumers grew to include scientists, designers, and marketers. Then boom-we created the dream: a diffuser that could fragrance a small space for up to 3 months for just $6.99

Let's call it something no one really knows how to pronounce," we logically decided, and the scented sachet was born. Since then, we've just tried to prove that life doesn't have to stink.


Let's be real, we all have those days where life just plain stinks! Whether it's a week old sandwich left in a lunchbox, sour milk wreaking havoc in your car, a wet dog setting up camp on your couch, or the foul odor coming from the trashcan even after you empty it, there's a laundry list of things that can make your life smell a little funky.
Situations like these are the perfect job for Sparkle City™ Air Fresheners to tackle. Whether you're turning stinky situations into more pleasant moments or adding some flair to a space that just feels blah, our sachets are designed to keep things smelling fresh for months at a time.
With these conveniently sized and uniquely designed air fresheners, you can quickly and easily add a little sparkle to your daily routine!

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